A good management plan for classroom success - UNOi Internacional
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A good management plan for classroom success

By Elaine Gallagher There are five components of a good behavior management plan.     Rules   Procedures   Consequences   Recognition or rewards   Consistency  These five components fit together well to form what we call “An Assertive Discipline Plan”.  The three words shown above that are in bold print explain the basic plan: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards.    Teachers […]

Autor: UNOi

Fecha: 9 de diciembre de 2013

Elaine Gallagher 02 cegBy Elaine Gallagher

There are five components of a good behavior management plan.    

  1. Rules  
  2. Procedures  
  3. Consequences  
  4. Recognition or rewards  
  5. Consistency 

These five components fit together well to form what we call “An Assertive Discipline Plan”.  The three words shown above that are in bold print explain the basic plan: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards.   

Teachers must have maximum five written rules for their classroom, visually posted. (The explanation of this follows.)  The rules need to be practiced as procedure, until they become automatic. Very important, also, is that the rules and rewards, and consequences MUST be enforced consistently

If a teacher overlooks a student disobeying a rule, or if the teacher enforces the rules with consequences, but does not recognize or reward positive responses, the assertive discipline plan will not function well.   If a teacher follows the assertive discipline plan, and even better, if all the teachers in a building or team of teachers follow the same plan, the behavior and the motivation of the students will improve greatly!



What are the five rules that can apply to every grade level

  1. Follow directions: the FIRST time.
  2. Come to class with all your materials.
  3. Eyes on the teacher when he/she is teaching.
  4. Be respectful at all times.
  5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Naturally, you must have consequences in place, escalating in severity, for the non-compliance of your rules. Very important, also, is to have a reward system in place, as well. 

Rewards can be as simple as a smile and verbal praise, to a candy or a pencil.  Class rewards, such as a movie, can also be given so encourage good behavior.
