by Elaine Gallagher
Hi Readers,
If you are an English teacher of older students, do you ever wonder what kind of work students in the USA receive in English? This week, my grandson, in a public high school in the state of Maine in the USA, sent me a copy of his latest history assignment.
I guess he might have been thinking that since I’m so old, I might remember World War I….Sorry, Tim, I was born during World war II..(JOKE: He knew I had taught history.)
Here is a copy of the assignment Tim received from his history teacher. How doers it compare with research you give to students? Easier? More difficult? Does it provoke and demand critical thinking? Is the teacher using backward design? What about vocabulary development?
Sometimes it’s good for us as educators to reflect on what we do, why, and look what others are doing…maybe to learn, maybe to compare, maybe simply to assure ourselves that we are on the right track!
So here’s my grandson’s assignment for this week in his history class.
I’d love to hear your comments.
U.S. and the World
World War I: Should the United States get involved?
In a 5 paragraph essay support whether or not you think the United States should join in allies in World War I.
Quick background to the time period (push and pull factors for the war). Define needed vocabulary such as imperialism, socialism, capitalism or any other words you maybe using to defend you thesis. The last statement of the introduction is the thesis statement answering the question “Should America go to war?”
Body (Paragraphs 2,3,4):
The body of your essay is three paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Each supporting idea to the thesis should be its own paragraph.
Each paragraph should have:
- An introduction sentence: What is the idea.
- A statement relating the idea to the thesis (using the same words from the thesis, make it obvious for the reader).
- Supporting historical evidence: quotes, ideas, information that shows research supports your idea.
- Ending with a statment that links to the next paragraph.
Restate the thesis. Quickly recap the main ideas from the body of the essay. Think beyond statement: Does the United States have the right to intervene with foreign conflicts? (relate to current events)
Other instructions:
1) You must use 2 direct quotes in this paper and they need to be cited in MLA format
2) You need to have a works cited page for this paper with sources in proper MLA format (min of 3 sources)
3) The essay needs to be typed, 12 font, double spaced, standard margin, name date and class at the top
4) Please use the MLA style guide from the Library to help, do not relay on cites like, as they do not always create proper citations.
5) Your paper needs to be edited, we will have peer edits in class, but an adult or teacher edit is also encouraged. The ASC center is always open.
“ASC” is the Academic Student Center, a media center in Tim’s high school full of books, computers, Internet, resources, and reference librarians who are there to help students find and use research resources.